If you're going to postulate a "Magic drive" that can fly a ship at Lightyears_per_hour speeds, why not completely deform edges of fantasy with multiple engines and guns?
I think this is made from a Porsche. The AWTOE-regulation fold-a-car-in-half thing made for a fairly small ship. Doesn't mean we can't hang stuff off it! And there's always room inside for a super small flasher controller, especially after you strip the cover off it and strip the insulation off the wires. (And yes, it works fine at only 3 volts.)
Anyway, it also made for a narrow space for engines. I guess I could have used a half dozen tubes, but let's make things difficult! The shape and size of the engies made them just the right size for three large LEDs. I happened to have a small LED movie light that quit working, so it was easy to remove the backplane and cut it into 3-bulb lengths. The rest of the build was uneventful except for melting a gun barrel, necessitating its replacement.