This started off as a water tank off an electric floor mop. I tentatively decided it would be the typical anthropomorphic head-body-arms shape, much like 1999's The Seeschildkroete ("Sea Turtle"). Instead of wings I wanted fairly substantial arms. I had used parts of several "Incentive Spirometry" devices my friends had the misfortune of needing for a while. I had robbed them of the air chambers for other ships but still had the frames. They made perfect arms for the engines. At this point I could have stopped basic construction, leaving me with a rough-and-tumble Next Gen shuttle. Instead, I again used a birdfeeder as a nose, same as I did for the Scorpio six years ago. After that, it was just fill-in the blanks with parts, painting, and a rough semblance of commercial markings. Way too much smoke (ink in Future) in the front of the cargo pod got partially mitigated with light-gray dry-brushing.
Don't ask me where the cargo doors are, though.