2001 Fleet

Shiksaa-Class Space-Superiority Fighter
A big name for an intricate ship, dedicated to a first-class spam-fighter.
Rokso-Class Space Superiority Fighter
Another big name, another arch-spam-fighter. An unusual color.
Shark Corvette
Kinda looks like one, doesn't it?.
Ion Cannon Frigate Feng Zhu
Named after the graphic artist who designed the original, and a class of ship in my favorite computer game.
Mutarian Cruiser Gagnon
When I saw pictures of the original I couldn't resist.
L'Barii Fighter
Dedicated to the source of the main fuselage, the Fort Worth Public Library.
Manta Fighter
Shows what happens when you see "Phantom Menace" too many times (once!).
The fleet
Or as much as went to Scalefest.

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